Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

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Chinese restaurants in Recife

«Restaurants in Recife

The chinese food in Northeast of Brazil is of mandarim origin: beef with vegetables, yakissobas, chicken, rice, lots of condiments.
More refined dishes, like glazed duck, are available only in the South.
That means that there is not much variation in recipes or flavors between chinese restaurants in Recife.

Best Chinese restaurant in Recife: Chinatown.
This restaurant has branches in every shopping center in Recife, Natal and Joao Pessoa.
In shopping centers, Chinatown usually has a private space.

In any shopping, there is probably one or more self-service chinese restaurant.

China in Box is a country wide specialized in delivering chinese food.
They also maintain restaurants, where the kitchen is visible through glass walls, showing spotless hygiene. We recommend it.
There is a China in Box in Boa Viagem (avenida Antônio Falcão), but the access is a bit difficult.

Other more centrally located chinese restaurants in Boa Viagem: Tay San and Xangai.
They both work in a buffet system (flat price, eat as much as you like); the buffet includes Japanese and Chinese food.

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