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Beaches in Recife and Pernambuco.
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Boa Viagem beach, Recife

Boa Viagem beach. The dark area is a line of reefs (in Portuguese, 'recifes') which protect the shore. When tide lowers, natural
swimming pools are formed.
Photo: Pernambuco Tourism Authority

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Recife will be host city of the FIFA World Cup 2014.
Read more about World Cup 2014 in Recife.

Recife, capital city of the State of Pernambuco, is one of the largest cities in Brazil (it's the 9th city by population, with over 1,500,000 inhabitants)..

The Boa Viagem beach (photo) in Recife is one of the most famous urban beaches in Brazil. Visitors get enchanted by the sandy beaches with warm green waters and also by the complete infrastructure of hotels, restaurants and services which surrounds it.
Looking for quieter beaches? The entire coastline of Pernambuco is dotted with beaches for all tastes, such as Maria Farinha, for nautic sports practioners, and Porto de Galinhas, elected by specialized magazines as the best beach in Brazil.

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The History of Recife and Pernambuco is unique. The contact between native Indians, black slaves and Portuguese settlers was very strong in Pernambuco, and left visible traces in the culture of the region; also visible is the legacy of the Dutch, who occupied the area for more than 20 years.
This mixture of influences made the culture of Pernambuco to be one of the richest in Brazil.

Recife is also a good starting point to visit other major beach cities in Brazil, like Joao Pessoa (a 2 hour drive from Recife), Natal (4 hour drive) and Fortaleza (1 hour flight).Enjoy Recife and Pernambuco!

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