Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

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Symbols of the State of Pernambuco

«Basic Info about Recife, Olinda and Pernambuco

Flag of Pernambuco

flag of Pernambuco The flat of Pernambuco was created by the leaders of the Revolution of 1817; it was made official, a few years later, by governor Manoel Antonio Pereira Borba.

The background is divided in two rectangles: the blue rectangle symbolizes the grandness of the sky of Pernambuco; the blue rectangle symbolizes Peace. The rainbow in three colors (green, yellow, red) symbolizes the unity of all pernambucanos. The top star symbolizes Pernambuco as member of Brazilian Federation. The sun represents the force and energy or the State. The cross symbolizes faith in Justice and Tolerance.

Coat of Arms of Pernambuco

Pernambuco coat of arms The Coat of Arms was made official by governor Alexandre Barbosa Lima in 1895.

The Lion represents the braveness of the people from Pernambuco; the lateral twigs represent cotton and sugar-cane, main symbols of the richness of the economy; the stars represent the cities.

Inside, there is a drawing of the beacon of Olinda, and the sun shines with the splendor of a State under the Equator.

The dates in the blue ribbon are references to the most important historic facts of Pernambuco: 1710 (War of Mascates), 1817 (Revolution of Pernambuco), 1824 (Confederation of Equator) and 1889 (Proclamation of Republic).

Read more about History of Recife and Pernambuco.

Anthem of Pernambuco

hino de Pernambuco
The children in Pernambuco are taught to sing the anthem in the schools.
Also, the anthem must be played before every official football match in the State.
As far as I know, Pernambuco is the only State in Brazil where this happens.

The Anthem of Pernambuco is a poetry accompanied by music, in honor to the brave warriors of the State.
Lyrics composed by Oscar Brandão and melody by Nicolino Milano.
Below, the lyrics. Click the link to download the melody of the Anthem of Pernambuco.

Anthem of Pernambuco
"Salve! Oh terra dos altos coqueiros!
De belezas soberbo estendal!
Nova Roma de bravos guerreiros
Pernambuco, imortal! Imortal!

Coração do Brasil! em teu seio
Corre sangue de heróis - rubro veio
Que há de sempre o valor traduzir
És a fonte da vida e da história
Desse povo coberto de glória,
O primeiro, talvez, no porvir.

Esses montes e vales e rios,
Proclamando o valor de teus brios,
Reproduzem batalhas cruéis.
No presente és a guarda avançada,
Sentinela indormida e sagrada
Que defende da Pátria os lauréis.

Do futuro és a crença, a esperança,
Desse povo que altivo descansa
Como o atleta depois de lutar...
No passado o teu nome era um mito,
Era o sol a brilhar no infinito
Era a glória na terra a brilhar!

A República é filha de Olinda,
Alva estrela que fulge e não finda
De esplender com seus raios de luz.
Liberdade! Um teu filho proclama!
Dos escravos o peito se inflama
Ante o Sol dessa terra da Cruz!"

See also:
«Maps of Recife and Pernambuco

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